Festival Organizing Committee

Gamze İneceli / Gila Benmayor / Hande Arslanalp / Metin Suerken / Müge Akgün
About Us
Since the year 2000, gastronomy as well as culture, history, art and natural beauty has become a driving force in the international recognition and branding of cities and countries.
Gastronomy is one of the most important pillars of tourism. The culinary speciliaties of the destinations to be visited, restaurants and star performers determine almost all travel routes. Toscana in Italy, and Piemonte regions, San Sebastian and Barcelona in Spain, Copenhagen in Denmark with their renowned, chefs and restaurants are among the countries which host the most guests.
With its nature, history and cultural wealth, Izmir is one of the best cities in the World to get a headstart in international tourism. The region with its herbs, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish varieties is a wonderous destination to be explored.
With the help of a coprehensive organization, İzmir can add tremendous value to its tourism by introducing its multi-cultural cuisine to the rest of the World. A Festival with a new and inventive way of seeing things on a broader aspect but while doing that also embracing the other organizations in the region will hopefully take the city to the well deserved spot.